Broken vulnerability links in groups table
Incident Report for Fluid Attacks


At least one organization encountered issues when users clicked on any link under the Vulnerabilities column in the Groups table at organization level. The issue started on UTC-5 24-03-05 10:08 and was reactively discovered 6.2 days (TTD) later by a customer while attempting to click on a link in the Vulnerabilities column to access any of their organization's groups, resulting in the error message There is an error :(. The problem was resolved in 2.4 hours (TTF) resulting in a total impact of 6.3 days (TTR) [1][2].


The URL of the Links was malformed, with the term vulns repeated twice at the end [3].


The team removed the duplicated word from the URL [4].


Inadequate testing of the redirection functionality triggered by that button resulted in an invalid URL going unnoticed. To prevent similar incidents in the future, the team has implemented comprehensive tests in this specific area [5]. INCOMPLETE_PERSPECTIVE < MISSING_TEST

Posted Mar 12, 2024 - 09:05 GMT-05:00

The incident has been resolved, and now the links under the Vulnerabilities column are working correctly.
Posted Mar 11, 2024 - 18:02 GMT-05:00
Problems when clicking on links under the Vulnerabilities column of the Groups table.

Utilize the links in the Group name column to access the affected vulnerability list, bypassing the broken links.
Posted Mar 11, 2024 - 16:51 GMT-05:00
This incident affected: Platform.