A white screen is returned when trying to create a new event
Incident Report for Fluid Attacks


At least one user encountered a white screen when attempting to create a new event in the events section. The issue started on UTC-5 23-09-05 09:51 and was proactively discovered 2.1 hours (TTD) later by a user who received a blank screen while trying to create an event and reported it via our help desk [1]. The problem was resolved in 3.3 hours (TTF) resulting in a total impact of 5.5 hours (TTR).


We are in the process of transitioning from MaterialUI to Styled Components. As part of this transition, one essential task is implementing a Styled-Components configuration known as theming [2]. This theming configuration serves as a wrapper for the entire application, enabling style provisioning.

However, the problem arose when applying this theming wrapper [3]. MaterialUI also utilizes a similar wrapper [4], and it mistakenly interpreted our theming configuration as its own. Consequently, the app threw errors such as "cannot read property 'value' of undefined."


To mitigate conflicts between the two libraries, the component causing the problem was encapsulated in a MaterialUI configuration where Styled-Components had not yet been used [5].


The existence of two similar components in the two frameworks generated conflicts in their configurations. This issue went undetected before production due to the lack of E2E tests. An issue has been created to handle similar situations more efficiently and to add the necessary tests [6]. MISSING_TEST

Posted Sep 14, 2023 - 16:11 GMT-05:00

The team has performed a fix and now events can be created without problems.
Posted Sep 05, 2023 - 15:39 GMT-05:00
It has been observed that a blank screen is generated when trying to create a new event.
Posted Sep 05, 2023 - 12:44 GMT-05:00
This incident affected: Platform.